Increase Your New Year’s Resolutions Success

by Jan 1, 2022

A New Year brings renewed hope and excitement — the perfect time to vision and make resolutions. However, statistics report that even during the best of times, generally, only 12% of resolutions result in success. Here we are living in unprecedented times. Covid and Climate changes coupled with our internal battles have complicated human experience beyond measure. Our nervous systems are overwhelmed and continuously dysregulated.

This blog talks about three wisdom strategies – Refined Compassionate Dance – to update our resolution ritual and increase the odds of fulfilling them.

# First – Refine your Resolutions List

Collectively we all are seeking authenticity, peace, and purpose. Our priorities have shifted. The first wisdom is to refine and reprioritize your resolutions. Anything that creates more work and does not improve the quality of our life has no business demanding we work for it. If your resolutions reflect your deepest aspirations that shape your destiny, you will likely stay the course. 


# Second – Dance with the Restraining Forces

Creation is a dance between the restraining and activating forces of life. The activating forces fuels our desires, imaginations, and our will to create. The restraining forces maintain the status quo by showing up as internal/external setbacks. Both the forces are proportional to the level of transformation your creation will bring to life. So, whether your resolution is about transforming your life, business, or society, expect the restraining forces to show up as unexpected challenges. The second wisdom is making emotional room for these forces, building strategies to work through them, creating back up plans, and getting the right kind of support. This will monumentally increase the odds of your success. 


# Third – Build Compassionate Resilience 

There is a certain charm about discipline and perfection when it comes to resolutions. Understandably, most of us do not make room to derail. Highs and Lows are inevitable parts of life. The third wisdom is to toss out perfections and rigid discipline. Compassionately plan for derailing. Protect your enthusiasm by intentionally embracing messiness, mistakes, detours, and breaks. Build your resilience by making room for love, fun, sickness, and all the ebbs and flows of life. Align your timeline with the realities of your life. 


This Refined Compassionate Dance will help you move forward even if the pace is slower at certain times. If you stay the course, a time will come when internally, things have shifted enough to take shape of excitement, consistency, and a firm belief in your success.